Indulge in the luxurious H. Upmann 1844 Reserve cigars, crafted by hand in the Dominican Republic and available in a classic variety of sizes. This prestigious blend, with roots in Cuba, features an Ecuador Habano wrapper and a flavorful combination of Dominican long-fillers nestled in a Nicaraguan binder. Awarded a magnificent 93-point rating and included in Cigar Aficionado's 'Top 25 Cigars of the Year' list in 2012, these cigars offer a medium to full-bodied experience with notes of cedar, earth, minerals, pepper, and fresh tobacco, all leading to a satisfying and persistent finish. Elevate your cigar collection with H. Upmann 1844 Reserve, a brand that represents the evolution of an esteemed Cuban heritage. With its affordable price, you can enjoy these premium cigars as a regular indulgence.
Size: Toro (6x54)