Collection: Nestor Miranda
Nestor Miranda Cigars are a celebration of bold innovation and timeless tradition, crafted to honor the legacy and passion of Nestor Miranda, a pioneer in the cigar industry. Produced under the Miami Cigar & Co. banner, these premium cigars are expertly handcrafted in Nicaragua, combining the finest tobaccos with exceptional artistry.
Known for their diverse blends and striking presentation, Nestor Miranda cigars offer a dynamic range of flavor profiles. Each cigar delivers a perfectly balanced smoking experience. Expect complex notes of spice, coffee, earth, and subtle sweetness, catering to both seasoned aficionados and adventurous newcomers.
Nestor Miranda Cigars embody a blend of innovation, craftsmanship, and personality, making them a standout choice for those who appreciate quality, character, and a touch of modern flair in every puff.
Nestor Miranda 75th Anniversary
- Regular price
- $22.50
- Sale price
- $22.50
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- per
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