Collection: Cohiba
Cohiba Cigars are the epitome of luxury, elegance, and tradition, renowned as one of the most prestigious cigar brands in the world. Originally created in Cuba in 1966 as a private label for high-ranking officials, Cohiba quickly became synonymous with premium quality and exclusivity. Today, the brand flourishes in both Cuban and non-Cuban markets, delivering exceptional cigars to connoisseurs worldwide.
Cohiba cigars are crafted with the finest tobaccos, meticulously aged and blended to perfection. The Cuban Cohiba offers a smooth, medium-to-full-bodied experience with nuanced flavors of cedar, spice, honey, and earth. In the Dominican Republic, the non-Cuban Cohiba line, including the celebrated Cohiba Black, Cohiba Connecticut, and Cohiba Blue, showcases innovation with rich, complex flavor profiles, featuring notes of coffee, chocolate, leather, and sweetness.
Known for their flawless construction, smooth draws, and unparalleled consistency, Cohiba cigars remain a symbol of sophistication and indulgence, making them a must-have for seasoned aficionados and those seeking the pinnacle of cigar luxury.
Cohiba Riviera
- Regular price
- from $24.98
- Sale price
- from $24.98
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