Aged! From the Vault!
Nat Sherman was founded in 1930 by Nat Sherman himself in New York City. Initially known for its tobacco shop, the brand expanded into manufacturing its own line of cigars, including the Nat Sherman Small Cigars, which became popular for their quality and convenience.
Nat Sherman Nats "Point Fives" offer you a quick, convenient smoke any time you need one. The concept was to create a cigar that could be smoked in a shorter time frame, ideal for urban environments or quick breaks. Inspired by the fast-paced lifestyle of New York City, these cigars were meant to deliver a full-flavored experience in a compact form.
Nat’s Point Fives Maduro – Made in Dominican Republic, Maduro wrapper, mellow to medium-bodied.
Nat’s Point Fives Natural – Made in Dominican Republic, Connecticut wrapper, mellow-bodied.
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