Connecticut: “K” by Karen Berger Connecticut cigars are a medium-bodied and elegant box-pressed smoke with a near perfect design. They are finished with a triple cap and practically no veins. The “K” by Karen Berger Connecticut is handmade in Nicaragua and features Nicaraguan binder/filler tobaccos and a Connecticut Shade wrapper to top it off.
Habano: The “K” by Karen Berger Habano is a beautiful box press cigar with crisp edges making a nearly perfect square. The K by Karen Berger Habano is a medium-bodied Nicaraguan puro cigar that is hand-rolled in Nicaragua. The blend features a reddish-brown Habano wrapper with a solid core of rich aged Nicaraguan fillers and binder. The result is an array of notes of earth, tobacco, pepper, and spice.
Maduro: “K” by Karen Berger Maduro cigars are a medium-bodied and elegant box-pressed smoke with a near perfect design. They are finished with a triple cap and practically no veins. The “K” by Karen Berger Maduro is handmade in Nicaragua and features Nicaraguan binder/filler tobaccos and a dark and oily Maduro wrapper to top it off. Upon lighting one up, you’ll experience the wonderful sweet and spice flavors that it has to offer.
Sizes: Toro (6x52) and Salomon (5X52X54)