For over 50 years, Joya de Nicaragua (which translates to "Jewel of Nicaragua") has been crafting exceptional cigars, each a true masterpiece. This specially curated sampler brings together four of their finest offerings, all presented in a collectible wooden box. Inside, you'll find one toro-sized cigar of each variety:
• Joya de Nicaragua Antano CT – A medium-bodied cigar that combines creamy smoothness with a bold, spicy kick for a memorable smoking experience.
• Joya de Nicaragua Antano Gran Reserva – A rich, full-flavored cigar with earthy, spicy, and chocolate notes, complemented by subtle sweetness and light floral undertones.
• Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 – A robust, full-bodied smoke with flavors of aged tobacco, cedar, nuts, and spice, offering a no-nonsense experience.
• Joya de Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo – A full-bodied cigar that delivers an aromatic blend of cocoa and caramel with a rich, spicy dark chocolate flavor.
This sampler is the perfect way to experience the bold and diverse flavors that have made Joya de Nicaragua a true icon in the cigar world.