Ashton is well known for their high-end sun grown cigars, but these dark and lovely cigars show that those behind the brand know how to produce an excellent smoke regardless of style. The Aged Maduro gets most of its flavor and all its visual appeal from the carefully selected and fermented Connecticut broadleaf wrapper, which is allowed to naturally ferment to a near-black hue.
A slow inhale of the pre-light aroma hints of oak. The care taken by the torcedores in rolling the cigar can be noted in the easy draw after the cap is cut and once alight a firm, white ash begins creeping up the cigar in a razor-sharp line. A good amount of smoke is produced, carrying a chocolate sweetness to coat the tongue. The cigar quickly settles into a rhythm, adding a dash of nuts and a whiff of spice that remains steady and smooth to the nub.
In this day and age of stronger and stronger cigars, it's nice to know there are companies still producing quality medium bodied maduro cigars. The Ashton Aged Maduro #50 is great for those beginning to explore the darker side of smoking.