Collection: C.L.E.
C.L.E. Cigars are a bold expression of craftsmanship and innovation, founded by Christian Eiroa, a name synonymous with premium Honduran cigars. Renowned for their exceptional quality and attention to detail, C.L.E. Cigars blend tradition with a modern approach, offering a smoking experience that is both refined and dynamic.
Each C.L.E. cigar is crafted using the finest Honduran tobaccos, often sourced from the Eiroa family’s legendary farms, ensuring unparalleled flavor and consistency. Known for their smooth draws and complex profiles, C.L.E. Cigars deliver a range of notes from earthy and spicy to creamy and sweet, catering to both seasoned aficionados and curious newcomers. With every puff, C.L.E. embodies passion, heritage, and innovation, making it a standout choice for those who seek a truly premium cigar experience.
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