Elevate your collection with our exclusive 7-count sampler—an ultimate exploration of aged luxury featuring rare gems like the 1997 Jose Llopis, along with limited editions from notable brands like CLE and Tatuaje. Smoke like a true aficionado with this curated selection of vintage cigars.
Why smoke aged cigar?
Flavor Development: Over time, the flavors in a cigar can become more complex and nuanced. The aging process allows the different tobacco leaves to meld together, smoothing out harsh or sharp notes and enhancing subtle undertones. This can result in a more balanced and refined taste.
Smoothness: Aging can reduce the harshness and bitterness often found in younger cigars. The smoke tends to become smoother and more mellow as the tobacco continues to age, offering a more enjoyable experience.
Aroma: The bouquet of aromas in an aged cigar can develop more depth and richness. Aging allows the essential oils and compounds in the tobacco to integrate better, producing a more aromatic and nuanced smoking experience.
Burn Quality: Aged cigars often burn more evenly. The aging process can help the tobacco achieve a more consistent burn, reducing the likelihood of tunneling or uneven burning.
Humidification: Proper aging in a controlled environment helps maintain the ideal moisture level in the cigar. This contributes to a more even burn and prevents the cigar from becoming too dry or too moist.
Complexity: As cigars age, they can develop additional layers of complexity. New flavors and aromas might emerge, providing a richer and more diverse smoking experience.
Consistency: For premium cigars, aging can enhance consistency, as the tobaccos used in the blend harmonize over time, ensuring a more uniform smoking experience.
Ultimate Aged Sampler Includes:
1 - 2014 CLE Hechicera Gordo (6x60)
1 - 2015 Emilio Cigars Mia Dora Toro (6x52)
1 - 2013 Nomad S-307 Torpedo (6.5x52)
1 - 2013 Edgar Hoill Pasion Perfecto (6 5/8 x 52)
1 - 2017 PIO Resurrection Box Press Churchill (7x48)
1 - 2017 Tatuaje Fausto Avion Perfecto (6 7/8 X 52)
1 - 1997 Jose Llopis Maduro Rothschild (4.5x52)